explain analyze
tt_aoi as (
select st_buffer(st_collect (
POLYGON ((-67.06819 44.99416, -67.1857 44.94707,
-67.21651 44.88058, -67.15834 44.78871,
-67.04385 44.81789, -66.91015 44.86279,
-67.06819 44.99416))'::geometry),
5) as aoi),
tt_seldata as (
sitename_l, lifestage, geometry
shp_nationwide_efh as ds
sitename_l AS Species, string_agg(lifestage, ', ') AS Lifestage
tt_seldata as ds
inner join tt_aoi on st_intersects(ds.geometry, tt_aoi.aoi)
Displaying records 1 - 10
GroupAggregate (cost=173.78..173.80 rows=1 width=64) (actual time=910.999..911.059 rows=62 loops=1) |
Group Key: ds.sitename_l |
CTE tt_aoi |
-> Aggregate (cost=0.02..0.03 rows=1 width=32) (actual time=0.466..0.467 rows=1 loops=1) |
-> Result (cost=0.00..0.01 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.001..0.001 rows=1 loops=1) |
CTE tt_seldata |
-> Seq Scan on shp_nationwide_efh ds_1 (cost=0.00..42.64 rows=464 width=540808) (actual time=0.022..1.186 rows=464 loops=1) |
-> Sort (cost=131.11..131.12 rows=1 width=64) (actual time=910.984..910.997 rows=195 loops=1) |
Sort Key: ds.sitename_l |
Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 39kB |
Temporary Tables
Option 1
Drop Temp Tables
drop table if exists tt_aoi cascade;
drop table if exists tt_seldata cascade;
Select AOI
--drop table if exists tt_aoi cascade;
explain analyze
--drop table if exists tt_aoi cascade;
create temporary table tt_aoi as
select st_buffer(st_collect (
POLYGON ((-67.06819 44.99416, -67.1857 44.94707,
-67.21651 44.88058, -67.15834 44.78871,
-67.04385 44.81789, -66.91015 44.86279,
-67.06819 44.99416))'::geometry), 5) as aoi;
4 records
Aggregate (cost=0.02..0.03 rows=1 width=32) (actual time=0.272..0.272 rows=1 loops=1) |
-> Result (cost=0.00..0.01 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.001..0.001 rows=1 loops=1) |
Planning Time: 0.064 ms |
Execution Time: 2.239 ms |
Select Data
explain analyze
create temporary table tt_seldata as
sitename_l, lifestage, geometry
shp_nationwide_efh as ds
3 records
Seq Scan on shp_nationwide_efh ds (cost=0.00..42.64 rows=464 width=540808) (actual time=0.008..2.348 rows=464 loops=1) |
Planning Time: 0.045 ms |
Execution Time: 7377.148 ms |
explain analyze
ds.sitename_l AS Species, string_agg(ds.lifestage, ', ') AS Lifestage
tt_seldata as ds
inner join tt_aoi on st_intersects(ds.geometry, tt_aoi.aoi)
group by
Displaying records 1 - 10
GroupAggregate (cost=913763.75..913774.87 rows=200 width=96) (actual time=917.781..917.840 rows=62 loops=1) |
Group Key: ds.sitename_l |
-> Sort (cost=913763.75..913766.63 rows=1149 width=64) (actual time=917.769..917.781 rows=195 loops=1) |
Sort Key: ds.sitename_l |
Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 39kB |
-> Nested Loop (cost=0.00..913705.35 rows=1149 width=64) (actual time=3.506..917.020 rows=195 loops=1) |
Join Filter: ((ds.geometry && tt_aoi.aoi) AND _st_intersects(ds.geometry, tt_aoi.aoi)) |
Rows Removed by Join Filter: 269 |
-> Seq Scan on tt_seldata ds (cost=0.00..64.35 rows=2535 width=96) (actual time=0.062..1.258 rows=464 loops=1) |
-> Materialize (cost=0.00..30.40 rows=1360 width=32) (actual time=0.000..0.001 rows=1 loops=464) |
Option 2 (indexing)
Standard database indexes create a hierarchical tree based on the values of the column being indexed. Spatial indexes are a little different – they are unable to index the geometric features themselves and instead index the bounding boxes of the features.
Drop Temp Tables
drop table if exists tt_aoi2 cascade;
drop table if exists tt_seldata2 cascade;
Select AOI
--drop table if exists tt_aoi cascade;
explain analyze
--drop table if exists tt_aoi cascade;
create temporary table tt_aoi2 as
select st_buffer(st_collect (
POLYGON ((-67.06819 44.99416, -67.1857 44.94707,
-67.21651 44.88058, -67.15834 44.78871,
-67.04385 44.81789, -66.91015 44.86279,
-67.06819 44.99416))'::geometry), 5) as aoi;
4 records
Aggregate (cost=0.02..0.03 rows=1 width=32) (actual time=0.264..0.264 rows=1 loops=1) |
-> Result (cost=0.00..0.01 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.001..0.001 rows=1 loops=1) |
Planning Time: 0.063 ms |
Execution Time: 2.150 ms |
Select Data
explain analyze
create temporary table tt_seldata2 as
sitename_l, lifestage, geometry
shp_nationwide_efh as ds;
3 records
Seq Scan on shp_nationwide_efh ds (cost=0.00..42.64 rows=464 width=540808) (actual time=0.009..2.319 rows=464 loops=1) |
Planning Time: 0.048 ms |
Execution Time: 7751.798 ms |
Create index
create index tt_seldata_geom_idx
on tt_seldata2
using gist (geometry)
explain analyze
ds.sitename_l AS Species, string_agg(ds.lifestage, ', ') AS Lifestage
tt_seldata2 as ds
inner join tt_aoi2 on st_intersects(ds.geometry, tt_aoi2.aoi)
group by
Displaying records 1 - 10
HashAggregate (cost=685.85..688.35 rows=200 width=96) (actual time=754.159..754.204 rows=62 loops=1) |
Group Key: ds.sitename_l |
-> Nested Loop (cost=0.14..684.80 rows=210 width=64) (actual time=319.166..753.417 rows=195 loops=1) |
-> Seq Scan on tt_aoi2 (cost=0.00..23.60 rows=1360 width=32) (actual time=0.032..0.034 rows=1 loops=1) |
-> Index Scan using tt_seldata_geom_idx on tt_seldata2 ds (cost=0.14..0.48 rows=1 width=96) (actual time=319.127..753.181 rows=195 loops=1) |
Index Cond: (geometry && tt_aoi2.aoi) |
Filter: _st_intersects(geometry, tt_aoi2.aoi) |
Rows Removed by Filter: 31 |
Planning Time: 0.471 ms |
Execution Time: 754.567 ms |
explain analyze
sitename_l AS Species, string_agg(lifestage, ', ') AS Lifestage
sitename_l, lifestage, geometry
shp_nationwide_efh as ds
(select st_collect (
POLYGON ((-67.06819 44.99416, -67.1857 44.94707,
-67.21651 44.88058, -67.15834 44.78871,
-67.04385 44.81789, -66.91015 44.86279,
-67.06819 44.99416))'::geometry)),
5)) as tmp_aoi
Displaying records 1 - 10
HashAggregate (cost=159.44..160.79 rows=108 width=46) (actual time=916.607..916.646 rows=62 loops=1) |
Group Key: ds.sitename_l |
InitPlan 1 (returns $0) |
-> Aggregate (cost=0.02..0.03 rows=1 width=32) (actual time=0.023..0.023 rows=1 loops=1) |
-> Result (cost=0.00..0.01 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.000..0.001 rows=1 loops=1) |
-> Seq Scan on shp_nationwide_efh ds (cost=0.00..158.64 rows=155 width=21) (actual time=3.490..915.324 rows=195 loops=1) |
Filter: st_dwithin(geometry, $0, ‘5’::double precision) |
Rows Removed by Filter: 269 |
Planning Time: 0.431 ms |
Execution Time: 916.713 ms |
CURRENT tabulate_dataset_shp_within_aoi
tabulate_dataset_shp_within_aoi <- function(dataset_code, aoi_wkt, output = "kable"){
# summarize shapefile dataset from area of interest
# TODO: pull from db: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MMVqPr39R5gAyZdY2iJIkkIdYqgEBJYQeGqDk1z-RKQ/edit#gid=936111013
# datasets_gsheet2db()
# dataset_code = "cetacean-bia"; aoi_wkt = params$aoi_wkt
# dataset_code = "efh"; aoi_wkt = "POLYGON ((-67.06819 44.99416, -67.1857 44.94707, -67.21651 44.88058, -67.15834 44.78871, -67.04385 44.81789, -66.91015 44.86279, -67.06819 44.99416))"
message(glue("tab..._shp_within_aoi(dataset_code='{dataset_code}', aoi_wkt='{paste(aoi_wkt, collapse=';')}')"))
# dataset_code = "cetacean-bia";
# params <- yaml::yaml.load("
# title: Testing
# aoi_wkt:
# - POLYGON ((-115.9245 32.26236, -115.9245 32.26565, -115.9206 32.26565, -115.9206
# 32.26236, -115.9245 32.26236))
# - POLYGON ((-121.9503 33.01519, -121.9503 35.51658, -115.8711 35.51658, -115.8711
# 33.01519, -121.9503 33.01519))")
# aoi_wkt <- params$aoi_wkt
# dataset_code = "oil-gas-wells"
# aoi_wkt = "POLYGON ((-157.4273 55.22198, -157.4273 61.76097, -143.1428 61.76097, -143.1428 55.22198, -157.4273 55.22198))"
# dataset_code='fed-sand-gravel-lease'
# aoi_wkt='POLYGON ((-175.4932 15.34568, -175.4932 27.93566, -151.813 27.93566, -151.813 15.34568, -175.4932 15.34568))'
# dataset_code='monuments'
# aoi_wkt='POLYGON ((-180.0668 16.98081, -180.0668 29.87807, -153.4797 29.87807, -153.4797 16.98081, -180.0668 16.98081))'
if (is.null(aoi_wkt))
return("Please draw a Location to get a summary of the intersecting features for this dataset.")
# if (length(aoi_wkt) > 1)
# return("Please draw only ONE polygon to get a summary of the intersecting features for this dataset.")
ds <- tbl(con, "datasets") %>%
filter(code == !!dataset_code) %>%
replace_na(list(buffer_nm = 0)) %>%
if (length(aoi_wkt) > 1){
aoi_wkts <- glue("'SRID=4326;{aoi_wkt}'::geometry")
#aoi_sql <- glue("ST_COLLECT(\n{paste(aoi_wkts, collapse=',\n')})")
aoi_sql <- glue("ST_COLLECT(\n{paste(aoi_wkts, collapse=',\n')})")
# cat(aoi_sql)
} else {
aoi_sql <- glue("'SRID=4326;{aoi_wkt}'")
# aoi_sql <- glue("'SRID=4326;{aoi_wkt[2]}'")
dbSendQuery(con, glue("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tmp_aoi CASCADE;"))
if (!is.na(ds$summarize_sql)){
sql_intersection <- glue("
{ds$select_sql} AS ds
WHERE ST_DWithin(Geography(ds.geometry), {aoi_sql}, {ds$buffer_nm} * 1852);")
dbExecute(con, glue("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_aoi AS {sql_intersection};"))
# sql_summarize <- "SELECT sitename_l AS Species, string_agg(lifestage, ', ') AS Lifestage FROM tmp_aoi GROUP BY sitename_l"
# sql_summarize <- "SELECT * FROM tmp_aoi"
x_df <- dbGetQuery(con, ds$summarize_sql)
} else {
x_sql <- glue("
{ds$select_sql} AS ds
WHERE ST_DWithin(Geography(ds.geometry), {aoi_sql}, {ds$buffer_nm} * 1852);")
x_sf <- st_read(con, query = x_sql)
x_df <- st_drop_geometry(x_sf)
if (!is.na(ds$summarize_r))
if (output == "tibble"){
x_spatial <- ifelse(
ds$buffer_nm == 0,
glue("\n\nSpatial: within site", .trim = F),
glue("\n\nSpatial: within {ds$buffer_nm} nautical miles of site", .trim = F))
if (knitr::is_html_output()){
x_caption <- HTML(markdownToHTML(
text = glue("Source: [{ds$src_name}]({ds$src_url}){x_spatial}"),
fragment.only = T))
tbl <- x_df %>%
kbl(caption = x_caption) %>%
# full_width = F, position = "left", # position = "float_right"
bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"))
} else {
x_caption <- glue("Source: [{ds$src_name}]({ds$src_url}){x_spatial}")
tbl <- x_df %>%
kable(caption = x_caption, format = "pipe")
UPDATED tabulate_dataset_shp_within_aoi
tabulate_dataset_shp_within_aoi <- function(dataset_code, aoi_wkt, output = "kable"){
# summarize shapefile dataset from area of interest
message(glue("tab..._shp_within_aoi(dataset_code='{dataset_code}', aoi_wkt='{paste(aoi_wkt, collapse=';')}')"))
if (is.null(aoi_wkt))
return("Please draw a Location to get a summary of the intersecting features for this dataset.")
ds <- tbl(con, "datasets") %>%
filter(code == !!dataset_code) %>%
replace_na(list(buffer_nm = 0)) %>%
if (length(aoi_wkt) > 1){
aoi_wkts <- glue("'SRID=4326;{aoi_wkt}'::geometry")
aoi_sql <- glue("ST_COLLECT(\n{paste(aoi_wkts, collapse=',\n')})") # Is this recreating the ST_COLLECT statement
# for every item in <aoi_wkt> array?
} else {
# aoi_sql <- glue("'SRID=4326;{aoi_wkt}'")
aoi_sql <- glue("'SRID=4326;{aoi_wkt}'::geometry")
# Use CTE instead of temporary tables
# Add conditional to check if ds$summarize_r
# Drop geometry column in x_df?
if (!is.na(ds$sumarize_sql)){
x_df <- dbGetQuery(con,
tmp_selarea as (
select ST_BUFFER({aoi_sql}, {ds$buffer_nm}) as geom
{ds$select_sql} as ds
inner join tmp_selarea on ST_INTERSECTS(ds.geometry, tmp_selarea.geom)
} else {
x_df <- dbGetQuery(con,
tmp_selarea as (
select ST_BUFFER({aoi_sql}, {ds$buffer_nm}) as geom
tmp_aoi as (
{ds$select_sql} as ds
inner join tmp_selarea on ST_INTERSECTS(ds.geometry, tmp_selarea.geom)
if (output == "tibble"){
x_spatial <- ifelse(
ds$buffer_nm == 0,
glue("\n\nSpatial: within site", .trim = F),
glue("\n\nSpatial: within {ds$buffer_nm} nautical miles of site", .trim = F))
if (knitr::is_html_output()){
x_caption <- HTML(markdownToHTML(
text = glue("Source: [{ds$src_name}]({ds$src_url}){x_spatial}"),
fragment.only = T))
tbl <- x_df %>%
kbl(caption = x_caption) %>%
# full_width = F, position = "left", # position = "float_right"
bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"))
} else {
x_caption <- glue("Source: [{ds$src_name}]({ds$src_url}){x_spatial}")
tbl <- x_df %>%
kable(caption = x_caption, format = "pipe")