1. Write to CSV or log the following parameters:
    1. data directory
    2. gdb directory
    3. gdb layer name
    4. db table name
    5. if successful load
  2. Convert python chunk to R
  3. Determine method for truncating names:
    • GDB: GDB: /share/data/ Benthic Habitat Map - Biological Cover/GIS-Data_FileGeodatabase_Chapter-3_Benthics_dir/MHI-Biogeographic-Assessment_Chapter-3_Benthics_Public.gdb
    • NOTICE: identifier "gdb_Shallow_CompiledHabitatRecords_Benthic_Habitat_VideoPhotoLocations" will be truncated to "gdb_Shallow_CompiledHabitatRecords_Benthic_Habitat_VideoPhotoLo"
  4. Error handling: Error in st_sf(x, sf_column_name = value) : no simple features geometry column present
    • GDB: /share/data/ Benthic Habitat Map - Biological Cover/GIS-Data_FileGeodatabase_Chapter-3_Benthics_dir/MHI-Biogeographic-Assessment_Chapter-3_Benthics_Public.gdb
    • Layer: Shallow_CompiledHabitatRecords_Benthic_Habitat_VideoPhotoLocations_Key


Initiate empty data.frame to keep track of data loading

df <- data.frame(

Load gdb layers

load_mc_gdb <- function(dir, gdb, verbose) {
  sdf <- sf::st_layers(gdb)
  for (lyr in sdf$name) {
    tbl <- glue('gdb_', lyr)
    if(verbose) {
      message(glue('GDB: {gdb}'))
      message(glue('LAYER: {lyr}'))
      # sf::read_sf(gdb, lyr)
      if(dbExistsTable(con, tbl)) {
        message('Already exists, skipping\n')
    gdb2db(gdb, lyr, tbl)
    if(verbose) {
      if(dbExistsTable(con, tbl)) {
        cat(sprintf('Success: %s -> %s\n', lyr, tbl))
      } else {
        cat(sprintf('Failed to load: %s -> %s\n', lyr, tbl))
    if(dbExistsTable(con, tbl)) {
      df[nrow(df) + 1,] = c(dir, gdb, lyr, tbl, T)
    } else {
      df[nrow(df) + 1,] = c(dir, gdb, lyr, tbl, F)

Compile list of GDBs to load

Requirement cd ~/.local/share/r-miniconda/envs/r-reticulate/bin | pip install pandas

import os
import re
import pandas as pd

data_dir = '/share/data/'
data_sets = [
  'Federal and State Waters',
  'Fish Species Richness- Fall',
  'Fish Species Richness- Spring',
  'Fish Total Biomass- Fall'
  'Fish Total Biomass- Spring',
  'Formerly Used Defense Sites (Unexploded Ordnances)',
  'Hawaii Benthic Habitat Map - Biological Cover',
  'Hawaii Bottomfish - Catch per unit effort (catch per fishing trip)',
  'Hawaii Brown Booby - Predicted Relative Abundance Aug - Oct',
  'Hawaii Brown Booby - Presences Aug - Oct',
  'Hawaii Humpback Whale - Predicted Relative Abundance Winter',
  'Hawaii Humpback Whale - Presences Winter',
  'Hawaii Reef Fish - Predicted Total Biomass',
  'Hawaii Reef Fish - Total Biomass',
  'Hawaii Speed of Surface Currents Summer',
  'Hawaii Speed of Surface Currents Winter',
  'Hawaii Spinner Dolphin - Predicted Relative Abundance Summer',
  'Hawaii Spinner Dolphin - Predicted Relative Abundance Winter',
  'Hawaii Spinner Dolphin - Presences Summer',
  'Hawaii Spinner Dolphin - Presences Winter',
  'Hawaii Wedge-tailed Shearwater - Predicted Relative Abundance Aug - Oct',
  'Hawaii Wedge-tailed Shearwater - Presences Aug - Oct',
  'Indian Lands',
  'Individual Avian Species Abundance Models',
  'Individual Deep-Sea Coral Species',
  'Individual Marine Mammals Species Models',
  'Kemps Ridley Turtle, Atlantic Fall Density',
  'Kemps Ridley Turtle, Atlantic Spring Density',
  'Kemps Ridley Turtle, Atlantic Summer Density',
  'Kemps Ridley Turtle, Atlantic Winter Density',
  'Leatherback Turtle, Atlantic Fall Density',
  'Leatherback Turtle, Atlantic Spring Density',
  'Leatherback Turtle, Atlantic Summer Density',
  'Leatherback Turtle, Atlantic Winter Density',
  'Leatherback Turtle, Gulf of Mexico Fall Density',
  'Leatherback Turtle, Gulf of Mexico Spring Density',
  'Leatherback Turtle, Gulf of Mexico Summer Density',
  'Leatherback Turtle, Gulf of Mexico Winter Density',
  'Loggerhead Turtle, Atlantic Fall Density',
  'Loggerhead Turtle, Atlantic Spring Density',
  'Loggerhead Turtle, Atlantic Summer Density',
  'Loggerhead Turtle, Atlantic Winter Density',
  'Loggerhead Turtle, Gulf of Mexico Fall Density',
  'Loggerhead Turtle, Gulf of Mexico Spring Density',
  'Loggerhead Turtle, Gulf of Mexico Summer Density',
  'Loggerhead Turtle, Gulf of Mexico Winter Density',
  'Marine Mammal Low Frequency Sound Sensitivity Abundance',
  'Marine Mammal Medium Frequency Sound Sensitivity Abundance',
  'Marine Mammal Protection Act',
  'Marine Mammal Species Richness',
  'Marine Mammal Total Abundance',
  'Marine Protected Areas Inventory',
  'Military Operating Area Boundaries',
  'Military Submarine Transit Lanes: Atlantic - Gulf of Mexico',
  'Military Surface Grid Areas: Atlantic - Gulf of Mexico',
  'MPA Inventory - MPAs by Fishing Restriction',
  'MPA Inventory - MPAs by Government Level',
  'NASCA Submarine Cables',
  'National Environmental Policy Act',
  'National Marine Fisheries Service Regions',
  'National Marine Sanctuaries Act',
  'NOAA Charted Submarine Cables',
  'NOAA National Marine Sanctuaries',
  'North Atlantic Right Whale: December Abundance',
  'North Atlantic Right Whale: June Abundance',
  'Ocean Sediment Thickness Contours',
  'Ocean Uses',
  'PaCSEA Seabird Density - All Surveys 2011-2012 Birds/km2',
  'PaCSEA Seabird Density - Feb 2012 Birds-km2',
  'PaCSEA Seabird Density - Jan 2011 Birds-km2',
  'PaCSEA Seabird Density - July 2012 Birds-km2',
  'PaCSEA Seabird Density - June 2011 Birds-km2',
  'PaCSEA Seabird Density - Oct 2011 Birds-km2',
  'PaCSEA Seabird Density - Sept 2012 Birds-km2',
  'PaCSEA Seabird Density 7km - Original 2011-2012',
  'Permitted Marine Hydrokinetic Projects',
  'Pilot Boarding Areas',
  'Pilot Boarding Stations',
  'Pipeline Areas',
  'Principal Ports',
  'Proposed Coastal Critical Habitat Areas',
  'Regulated Navigation Areas',
  'Rivers and Harbors Act',
  'Unexploded Ordnance Areas',
  'Unexploded Ordnance Locations',
  'US Atlantic Coast Fishing Atlas',
  'West Coast Bottom Trawl Fishing Extent (2002-2006)',
  'West Coast Bottom Trawl Fishing Extent (2006-2010)',
  'West Coast Bottom Trawl Fishing Intensity (2002-2006)',
  'West Coast Bottom Trawl Fishing Intensity (2006-2010)',
  'West Coast Canopy-Forming Kelp, 1989-2014',
  'West Coast Commercial Fishing Closures, 2015',
  'West Coast EFH Conservation Areas',
  'West Coast Fishing Ethnography',
  'West Coast Mid-Water Trawl Fishing Extent (2002-2006)',
  'West Coast Mid-Water Trawl Fishing Extent (2006-2010)',
  'West Coast Mid-Water Trawl Fishing Intensity (2002-2006)',
  'West Coast Mid-Water Trawl Fishing Intensity (2006-2010)',
  'West Coast Recreational Fishing Closures, 2015',
  'West Coast Rockfish Conservation Areas, 2015',
  'West Coast USA Current and Historical Estuary Extent',
  'West Coast USA Estuarine Biotic Habitat',
  'Wrecks and Obstructions',
  'Benthic Cover',
  'Coastal Critical Habitat Designations',
  'Coastal Energy Facilities',
  'Coastal Zone Management Act Boundary',
  'Danger Zones and Restricted Areas',
  'Deep-Sea Coral Observations',
  'Deep-Sea Soft Coral Habitat Suitability',
  'Deep-Sea Stony Coral Habitat Suitability',
  'Deepwater Ports',
  'Department of Defense Offshore Wind Mission Compatibility Assessments',
  'Endangered Species Act',
  'Gulf of Alaska Margin Bathymetry',
  'Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Bathymetry Contours - BOEM 100 ft',
  'Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Bathymetry Contours - BOEM 100 m',
  'Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Bathymetry Contours - BOEM 1000 ft',
  'Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Bathymetry Contours - BOEM 500 ft',
  'Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Bathymetry Contours - BOEM 500 m',
  'Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Bathymetry Contours - NOAA 100 m',
  'Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Bathymetry Contours - NOAA 1000 ft',
  'Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Bathymetry Contours - NOAA 500 ft',
  'Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Bathymetry Contours - NOAA 500 m',
  'Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Bathymetry with Hill Shade',
  'Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf Blocks with Significant Sand Resources',
  'High Frequency Radar Locations',
  'Line Islands Bathymetry',
  'Mariana Trench, Guam, and Northern Mariana Islands Bathymetry',
  'Mendocino Ridge Bathymetry',
  'Necker Ridge Bathymetry',
  'Nitrate Mean Concentration',
  'NOAA NOS Hydrographic Survey Data',
  'Ocean Current Resource Potential: Mean Power Density',
  'Ocean Current Resource Potential: Mean Speed',
  'Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act',
  'Phosphate Mean Concentration',
  'Raster Nautical Charts',
  'Sigsbee and Florida Escarpment Bathymetry',
  'Silicate Mean Concentration',
  '2013 Vessel Density',
  '2015 Vessel Transit Counts: All Vessels',
  '2016 Vessel Transit Counts: All Vessels',
  '2017 Vessel Transit Counts: All Vessels',
  'Active Oil and Gas Leases',
  'AIS Vessel Tracks 2019',
  'Alaska Native Corporations',
  'Alaska Native Villages',
  'Anchorage Areas',
  'Annual Mean Chlorophyll-a Concentration',
  'Annual Mean Surface Aragonite Saturation State',
  'Artificial Reefs',
  'Atlantic Continental Margin Bathymetry',
  'Atlantic Fishing Revenue Intensity, 2007-2012',
  'Avian Higher Collision Sensitivity Abundance',
  'Avian Higher Collision Sensitivity Species Richness',
  'Avian Higher Displacement Sensitivity Abundance',
  'Avian Higher Displacement Sensitivity Species Richness',
  'Avian Species Richness',
  'Avian Total Relative Abundance',
  'Bathymetric Contours',
  'Beach Nourishment Projects',
  'Block Island Transmission Cables',
  'Block Island Wind Turbine Locations',
  'Bowers Ridge and Beringian Margin Bathymetry',
  'California Seafloor Mapping Index',
  'Coast Guard Jurisdictions']

# Iterate over data directory to search for .gdb and associated .lyr file
# lyr_list = []
gdb_list = []
for d in data_sets:
  dir = os.path.join(data_dir, d)
  for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir):
    for name in dirs:
      if '.gdb' in name:
        gdb_list.append({'dir': root, 'gdb': os.path.join(root, name)})
        # for file in files:
        #   if '.lyr' in file:
        #     lyr = file.split('.')[0]
        #     lyr_list.append({'dir': root, 
        #                      'gdb': os.path.join(root, name), 
        #                      'lyr': lyr.replace(' ', ''), 
        #                      'tbl': 'gdb_' + re.sub("[^\w\s]", '_', lyr).replace(' ', '_').lower()})

# Create dataframe to pass back to R for handling.
df = pd.DataFrame(gdb_list)

Example Dataset Load

dir <- "/share/data/ and State Waters/FederalAndStateWaters_dir"
gdb <- "/share/data/ and State Waters/FederalAndStateWaters_dir/FederalAndStateWaters.gdb"
# lyr <- "FederalAndStateWaters"
# tbl <- "gdb_FederalAndStateWaters"
load_mc_gdb(dir, gdb, T)  #, lyr, tbl, T)

Bulk Load Datasets

datasets_to_load <- data.frame(py$df)

for (i in 1:nrow(datasets_to_load)) {
  dir <- datasets_to_load[i, 1]
  gdb <- datasets_to_load[i, 2]
  load_mc_gdb(dir, gdb, T)

Write dataframe to csv

f <- glue("gdb_loading_", format(Sys.time(), "%Y%m%d"), ".csv")
write_csv(df, f)