
Main Shiny app:

This README with html listing:


These web pages (*.html) are typically rendered from Rmarkdown (*.Rmd):


Normally, on command line, get this repo:

git clone

Or in Rstudio, File -> New Project… -> Version Control -> git …

Might need to install Git.

restart shiny service

# /etc/services.d
# /etc/init.d/
sudo service shiny-server restart

check if bad gateway and automatically restart


install monit

sudo apt-get install monit sudo service monit start sudo service monit status

sudo systemctl enable –now monit sudo /etc/init.d/monit start sudo systemctl status monit

Monit: the monit HTTP interface is not enabled, please add the ‘set httpd’ statement and use the ‘allow’ option to allow monit to connect

sudo -u shiny pm2 start /usr/bin/shiny-server sudo -u shiny pm2 save sudo -u shiny pm2 list sudo -u shiny pm2 logs shiny-server sudo -u shiny pm2 start shiny-server

ps -eaf | grep shiny

root 265 1 0 Apr15 ? 00:00:00 s6-supervise shiny-server

root 269 265 0 Apr15 ? 00:00:22 /opt/shiny-server/ext/node/bin/shiny-server /opt/shiny-server/lib/main.js

root 282 269 0 Apr15 ? 00:00:43 xtail /var/log/shiny-server/

shiny 592 1 0 Apr15 ? 00:00:13 PM2 v5.1.2: God Daemon (/home/shiny/.pm2)

shiny 970 592 0 Apr15 ? 00:02:00 /usr/local/lib/R/bin/exec/R –no-save –no-restore –no-echo –no-restore –file=/share/github/api/run-api.R

root 2052 269 0 Apr19 ? 00:00:00 su -s /bin/bash –login -p – shiny -c cd \/srv\/shiny-server\/report-v2 && R –no-save –slave -f \/opt\/shiny-server\/R\/SockJSAdapter.R

shiny 2053 2052 66 Apr19 ? 08:22:04 /usr/local/lib/R/bin/exec/R –no-save –no-restore –no-save –slave -f /opt/shiny-server/R/SockJSAdapter.R

bbest 5757 2943 0 00:52 pts/0 00:00:00 grep –color=auto shiny

sudo kill -9 265 sudo kill -9 269 sudo kill 11814 sudo killall 12279 sudo killall xtail sudo killall /opt/shiny-server/ext/node/bin/shiny-server sudo killall s6-supervise shiny-server sudo kill -9 13125

sudo kill -9 2053 # /usr/local/lib/R/bin/exec/R –no-save –no-restore –no-save –slave -f /opt/shiny-server/R/SockJSAdapter.R sudo kill -9 13126 # /opt/shiny-server/ext/node/bin/shiny-server /opt/shiny-server/lib/main.js sudo kill -9 13207 sudo ps -eaf | grep shiny

ps aux grep -E “^shiny\s[0-9].*” sed -r ‘s/shiny\s([0-9]).*/\1/’ while read i ; do sudo kill -9 “$i” ; done ;

sudo ps -eaf | grep shiny sudo pkill -P 11814 netstat -tulpn

pm2 start exec /usr/sbin/shiny-server 2>&1 ``


To get Rmd to show, eg, had to delete sym linked index.html that pointed to /opt/shiny-server/samples/welcome.html.